Did you know you create PDF files from any application, resulting in better (clearer, smaller, searchable) PDF files?

If you are using Microsoft Office 2010 or later, you can create a PDF by simply going to the File menu and then selecting Save As --> PDF

If you are using other applications, just print to the "CutePDF" printer that is installed on any system that Slingshot manages.

1.) Click on the File menu, then Print


2.)  From your computer's printers list, just click on the printer, then click on "CutePDF Writer"

3.)  Then when you click Print, it will ask you where you want to save the PDF file.  Pick a location to save the file, name it and click Save.

4.) Bonus:  to email that file, just drag it into the body of an Outlook email and it will show up as "Attached"